David Cheng

General Contractor &
Master Builder

David graduated from NYU with a background in finance and physics. He spent over 24 years at one of the largest global hedge funds, as a quantitative program trader. During his finance career he designed and implemented statistical arbitrage portfolio trading algorithms. 

David got interested in building science because he wanted to build his family "forever" home. His goal at the time was to build a modern efficient home with a low energy impact. After interviewing many local builders, he realized few if any were aware, or even cared about the energy impact and efficiency of a home. 

With his family, he made the decision to take on the monstrous task of building their home. While working full-time on Wall Street and building their home, he approached the construction process with the same quantitative mindset he used throughout his financial career. The home could be viewed as a system with multiple inputs that affect the efficiency as a whole. The end result was a home that fit their lifestyle while using a fraction of the energy of a typical code built home. And David also discovered a new passion for building science.

Let us share his knowledge with you and build a better way!

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